93 research outputs found

    Discrete structure of the brain rhythms

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    Neuronal activity in the brain generates synchronous oscillations of the Local Field Potential (LFP). The traditional analyses of the LFPs are based on decomposing the signal into simpler components, such as sinusoidal harmonics. However, a common drawback of such methods is that the decomposition primitives are usually presumed from the onset, which may bias our understanding of the signal's structure. Here, we introduce an alternative approach that allows an impartial, high resolution, hands-off decomposition of the brain waves into a small number of discrete, frequency-modulated oscillatory processes, which we call oscillons. In particular, we demonstrate that mouse hippocampal LFP contain a single oscillon that occupies the θ\theta-frequency band and a couple of γ\gamma-oscillons that correspond, respectively, to slow and fast γ\gamma-waves. Since the oscillons were identified empirically, they may represent the actual, physical structure of synchronous oscillations in neuronal ensembles, whereas Fourier-defined "brain waves" are nothing but poorly resolved oscillons.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Proof of the cases p≤7p \leq 7 of the Lieb-Seiringer formulation of the Bessis-Moussa-Villani conjecture

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    It is shown that the polynomial λ(t)=Tr[(A+tB)p]\lambda(t) = {\rm Tr}[(A + tB)^p] has nonnegative coefficients when p≤7p \leq 7 and A and B are any two complex positive semidefinite n×nn \times n matrices with arbitrary nn. This proofs a general nontrivial case of the Lieb-Seiringer formulation of the Bessis-Moussa-Villani conjecture which is a long standing problem in theoretical physics.Comment: 5 pages; typos corrected; accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Universal analytic properties of noise. Introducing the J-Matrix formalism

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    We propose a new method in the spectral analysis of noisy time-series data for damped oscillators. From the Jacobi three terms recursive relation for the denominators of the Pad\'e Approximations built on the well-known Z-transform of an infinite time-series, we build an Hilbert space operator, a J-Operator, where each bound state (inside the unit circle in the complex plane) is simply associated to one damped oscillator while the continuous spectrum of the J-Operator, which lies on the unit circle itself, is shown to represent the noise. Signal and noise are thus clearly separated in the complex plane. For a finite time series of length 2N, the J-operator is replaced by a finite order J-Matrix J_N, having N eigenvalues which are time reversal covariant. Different classes of input noise, such as blank (white and uniform), Gaussian and pink, are discussed in detail, the J-Matrix formalism allowing us to efficiently calculate hundreds of poles of the Z-transform. Evidence of a universal behaviour in the final statistical distribution of the associated poles and zeros of the Z-transform is shown. In particular the poles and zeros tend, when the length of the time series goes to infinity, to a uniform angular distribution on the unit circle. Therefore at finite order, the roots of unity in the complex plane appear to be noise attractors. We show that the Z-transform presents the exceptional feature of allowing lossless undersampling and how to make use of this property. A few basic examples are given to suggest the power of the proposed method.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    On the uniqueness of the surface sources of evoked potentials

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    The uniqueness of a surface density of sources localized inside a spatial region RR and producing a given electric potential distribution in its boundary B0B_0 is revisited. The situation in which RR is filled with various metallic subregions, each one having a definite constant value for the electric conductivity is considered. It is argued that the knowledge of the potential in all B0B_0 fully determines the surface density of sources over a wide class of surfaces supporting them. The class can be defined as a union of an arbitrary but finite number of open or closed surfaces. The only restriction upon them is that no one of the closed surfaces contains inside it another (nesting) of the closed or open surfaces.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure
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